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Our Rates

View Current Rates

Effective Date: 
Interest Bearing Checking Balance Requirements, Rates and APY
Daily Balance Requirements  Rate APY
$100.00 - $99,999.99 0.25% 0.25%
$100,000.00 - $249,999.99 0.50% 0.50%
$250,000.00- $499,999.99  0.75%  0.75%
$500,000.00 and over 1.00% 1.00%
Must maintain a minimum balance of $100.00 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield. 
Minimum Daily Balances, interest rate, and annual percentage yield information is listed below
Daily Balance Requirement Rate APY
$75.00-$99,999.99 0.25% 0.25%
$100,000.00-$249,000.00 0.50% 0.50%
$250,000.00-$499,000.00 0.75% 0.75%
$500,000 and over 1.00% 1.00%
Term Minimum Deposit Minimum to $9,999
(Interest Rate/APY)
(Interest Rate/APY)
(Interest Rate/APY)
(Interest Rate/APY)
Over $250,000
(Interest Rate/APY)
91 Day CD $1,000 .85%/ .85% .93% / .93% 1.00% / 1.00% 1.09% / 1.09% 1.20% / 1.21%
182 Day CD $5,000 4.40% / 4.47% 4.48% / 4.56% 4.55% / 4.63% 4.64% / 4.72% 4.75% / 4.84%
9 Month CD $5,000 4.15% / 4.22% 4.15% / 4.22% 4.15% / 4.22% 4.15% / 4.22% 4.15% / 4.22%
12 Month CD $1,000 1.75% / 1.76% 1.83% / 1.84% 1.90% / 1.91% 1.99% / 2.00% 2.10% / 2.12%
18 Month CD $1,000 1.47% /1.48% 1.55% / 1.56% 1.62% /1.63% 1.71% / 1.72% 1.82% / 1.83%
24 Month CD $1,000 1.45% / 1.46% 1.53% / 1.54% 1.60% / 1.61% 1.69% / 1.70% 1.80% / 1.81%
36 Month CD $1,000 1.36% / 1.37% 1.44% / 1.45% 1.51% / 1.52% 1.60% / 1.61% 1.71% / 1.72%
48 Month CD* $1,000 1.30% / 1.31% 1.38% / 1.39% 1.45% / 1.46% 1.54% / 1.55% 1.65% / 1.66%
60 Month CD $1,000 1.37% / 1.38% 1.45% / 1.46% 1.52% / 1.53% 1.61% / 1.62% 1.72% / 1.73%
*48-Month C/D Special- Interest can be compounded quarterly. At the customer's discretion, the interest rate and (APY) may be changed one (1) time over the term of the certificate by using the interest rate that is indexed to the 36-Month $50,000.00 and Over rate.
Additional Certificate of Deposit Information- The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) assumes funds will remain on deposit for a full year at the listed rate of maturity, whichever is greater.
Term Interest Rate/APY
182 Day IRA 4.64% / 4.72%
12 Month IRA 1.99% / 2.00%
24 Month IRA 1.69% / 1.70%
36 Month IRA 1.60% / 1.61%
48 Month IRA 1.54% / 1.55%

Minimum Opening deposit for 182 days and 9 month Certificate of Deposit accounts is $5,000.00. For all other Certificates of Deposit, the minimum opening balance is $1,000.00.
91-Day C/D's thru 36-Month C/D's- Interest can be compounded quarterly. 
Annual Percentage Yield accurate as of August 22, 2024.
The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) assumes funds will remain on deposit for a full year at the listed rate or maturity, whichever is greater.

Penalties for early withdrawal may be applicable.

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